
  Statistics of tensor fields in observational cosmology and nonlinear
  perturbation theory

  I will present selected topics and results from my latest series of
  papers on the integrated perturbation theory for cosmological tensor
  fields (papers I-IV). The formalism is constructed on the basis of
  irreducible representation of the rotation group.


  T. Matsubara, arXiv:2210.10435 (Paper I)
  T. Matsubara, arXiv:2210.11085 (Paper II)
  T. Matsubara, arXiv:2304.13304 (Paper III)
  T. Matsubara, in preparation. (Paper IV)
  T. Matsubara, Phys. Rev. D 83, 083518 (2011)
  T. Matsubara, Phys. Rev. D 90, 043537 (2014)